Christian Terrorism vs Islamic Terrorism.
I was just watching a documentary about the most important militarian attack in american history on 11th of september to the 2Towers in Newyork city.
You may ask why i mention that day as a militarian attack by a islamic terrorist group el kaide(usama bin laden). Let me tell you a story about Middle East which cradle of petrol and the base of sufferings;
15th October 1914, British Ter... have entered Bahreyn and 24th November Basra to control petrol and they did not stop having more lands in Iraq(until Nil in Egypt) untill 1932 Pact between Iraq and UK.
Between these years also french terr... leader Francois Georges Picot and British Terr.. leader Mark Sykes met in Cairo to share Middle East and have kind of community and peace between EU terr.... branchs.
There was missing something in this community. There are some countries from same race were feeling so jealous that they could not kill Arabian childrens, they were not having a portion of petrol and so on. Italian terr.... could not wait anymore to enter Etiyopya on 1935.
After II.WW at 1945, Arabians have constructed a union. (which actually not working so efficiently) to help each other and increase the arabian nationalist feelings. There was a game behind planned by British Terr.... against French Terr.... to have United Arabians in the collaboration of British mandate. There was no more place on a rope for 2 thightrope dancers. One has had to leave and other one has had to use all petrol until to a drop of it.
Regarding globalism and modern news tech. that was not easy to play games and attack whenever they wanted, anyhow british terr.... branch attacked with a new tactic; Divide, Conquest and have it. 1958 Bloody Revolution has started. The destiny of poor Iraqians were listening british ter... and dividing the country to two sides as, communists and nationalists. It was a really bloody end for communists as later on we europeans called it as; nationalists hunting communists.
Same slightly movings were also happening in Syria. British Blood(USA and UK) of Terr.... were in danger. Soviet Russia may conquest Syria!!! It was horrible idea to share power in ME with Soviet Russia. So, finally USA and UK have conquested Lebanon and Jordan as these countries were in danger of chaos. As a BRITISH PROTECTORS OF THE NEW WORLD they saved these area by killing millions of civils and having all petrol, power and of course more land on our little earth. (which still continuing)
The division didn´t stop on this land. With all sport of british terr.... branch, they stopped education and Radical Islamic part took the fake lead of ME. It´s so clear and known that there is not existing such a Radical Religion as islam which people believe in this region.
British Terr..... did not stop on the land of Arabians.
A Bloody day. Father Bush decided to help and bring peace to there. 1991 which the dark day, which the arabic massacre, which the most longer genocide on the earth.
Today 2009 21st September. 21 days later, British, French, Italian and American Ter..... Branchs will celebrate the 95th years of Terror on ME and if they can keep staying there it´s going to be a century that they are playing this bloody, dirty, dark, horrible, ugly game on this land.
Now my question is coming. When I was watching the documentary about 11th of Sept. People were screaming Fckng Terrorist, God Damned Terrorist.
Did any American ask himself or mention that God Damned Politicians, Damned Games, Ugly British Games ? Please let these people in peace and come back. You killed enough there, sucked enough blood and petrol. Did anyone think the reason behind why these people were attacking to WTC with flights inside sacrificing themselves.
A century already passed, PLEASE DO NOT LET ANOTHER CENTURY OF TERRORISM passing front of our eyes watching millions of death children due to this ugly game.
Thanks and Regards...
21 Eylül 2009 Pazartesi
11th September, Results of Christian terrorism in ME 100YearWars
British Terror,
EU Terror,
Islamic Terror vs Christian Terror...,
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